
#IsraeliJudaism: Find Your Place

This is an English translation of the #IsraeliJudaism Project questionnaire, which was created as part of JPPI's Pluralism Project, supported by the William Davidson Foundation. On the basis of these questions, Prof. Camil Fuchs developed a new model to represent the structure of Jewish society in Israel. Once you have answered all the questions, you can see where you are on the map of Israeli Judaism and compare yourself to Israeli Jews by political affiliation, religious affiliation, age and ethnicity. Please note that the questionnaires you fill here are collected by the staff of Jewish People Policy Institute for further statistical analysis.

Thank you,
The Jewish People Policy Institute

The Survey

Background Questions (they will remain anonymous) Gender

Year of Birth (YYYY)

What is your level of religiosity?

How do you define yourself politically?

Ethnic Background

Do you currently live in Israel?

Were you born in Israel?

Do you have children?

Please indicate to what extent each of the following characteristics represnts to you what it is to be Jewish:
In my opinion, to be a good Jew is to worry about other Jews, whoever they may be.

To be a good Jew is to celebrate Jewish holidays, ceremonies, and traditions

To be a good Jew is to live in Israel

To be a good Jew is to serve in the IDF or educate your children to serve in the IDF

To be a good Jew is to remember the Holocaust

How important is it for you that your children will be Jewish?

What do you consider the main component of "Judaism"? Please choose the element that seens most important to you:

Which of the following statements is closest to your opinion regarding the main justification for the existence of Israel as a Jewish state?
To provide a safe haven for Jews.

To fully realize the national and religious aspirations of the Jewish people.

To maintain a modern Jewish existence in a civil state with Jewish cultural characteristics.

Israel should not be a Jewish state, it should be a state for all of its citizens.

Which of the following statements is closest to the reason why you observe Jewish traditions (like the Passover seder) and mark Jewish holidays (such as Yom Kippur):
Because this is what the Torah commands the People of Israel.

Because this what my parents and my entire family have been doing for generations, and I follow them.

Because the observance of traditions and the marking of holidays gives expression to my Jewish culture.

That the observance of Jewish holidays marks my belonging to a historical narrative that is meaningful to me.

Becuase this is how people around me are behaving.

I don't observe Jewish tradition or mark Jewish holidays.
1) On Israel Independence Day I raise an Israeli flag

2) On Simchat Torah I go to a torah procession

3) Israel Independence Day for me is just like any other day

4) Yom Yerushalim (Jerusalem Day) for me is just like any other day

5) On Memorial Day for Israeli soldiers I go to a cemetary

6) On Rosh Hashana I go to all (or almost all) prayer services

7) Tisha b'Av (the Ninth of Av) for me is just like any other day

8) On Holocaust Rememberance Day I stand in silence during the sounding of the siren if I'm in a public place

9) On Memorial Day for Israeli soldiers I feel sad

10) I prefer civil burial (instead of religious burial)

11) On Chanuka I/my family light candles every night

12) I sometimes go shopping on Shabbat

13) On the first day of Passover, I eat kosher for Passover

14) On Shabbat (Friday evening) I/my family say kiddush (the blessing over the wine)

15) Yom Kippur for me is a day to meet friends, go to the park/beach, watch television at home, or ride a bike

16) I go to synagogue at least once a week

17) I mainly listen to Hebrew Israeli music

18) I feel that New Years Eve is the real 'Rosh Hashana' for me

19) I don't remember what Asara B'Tevet (the Tenth of Tevet) is (answer "True" if you don't remember what it is)

20) On Memorial Day for Israeli soldiers I stand in silence during the sounding of the siren

21) On Yom Yerushalim (Jerusalem Day) I raise an Israeli flag

Of the following terms and options, mark all the ones that you feel describe you (you can check more than one answer):
I don't associate with any stream
Click SEND to see your results and how you compare to Jewish Israelis